Somewhere along the line he managed to get married and have a kid, although in his own way he repeated his own history of parental neglect, whose resolution is complete because there's no Garou 2 (yet?) to tell us what's Rock's role in his final will. Professionally, he joined the police and manage to get himself promoted to commissioner, while running some shady deals on the side, which would eventually become his main business, but he never really let go of his focus on martial arts, having an arena to his name and organizing tournaments where he scouts for skilled people and techniques. He was beaten by his younger half-brother and his superior training, which may have been a driving force behind his training under some of the more respected martial arts masters of his setting (or maybe like Bill from Kill Bill, he was driven to find father figures) although comparing his moves to those masters and their students, he found a way to use their principles but not their exact techniques to come up with a style of his own. His mother died when he was 15, so then his first order of business was to go all the way to Germany to confront his biological father. Story-wise, he's the neglected child of a German nobleman. Design-wise, everything about him means business, and he's got the scars to show he can survive some pretty rough stuff.